The appointment letters of John Durancé George, Dental Surgeon

Writer: Lady Mary Ross

Date: Friday Evening

Address: 60 Portland Place

Lady Mary Ross presents
her Compliments & wishes
to know whether Mr George
has received a note,
written at Mr Duffield’s
request. Mr. Duffield
was anxious his little
boy shd see Mr. George
before he leaves town
which he does tomorrow
& he has several
things to do. Lady Mary
Ross would be very much
obliged to Mr George
to see him as early
as possible.

The Bearer will wait
for an answer.

60 Portland Place

Friday Evening


Lady Mary Ross (1804-1872) was the daughter of Charles Cornwallis, the 2nd Marquis Cornwallis, and Lady Louisa Gordon. Lady Mary had married Charles Ross on 7th April 1825; they had two children. In 1851, Charles Ross was a Commissioner of the Audit Board.

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