The appointment letters of John Durancé George, Dental Surgeon
Writer: Countess of Home
Date: Janry 31st
Address: The Hirsel, Coldstream
The Hirsel
Janry 31st
Sir/ I delayed thanking you
for the advice I received
from you about two of my
Boy’s Teeth, till I had followed
it with regard to the
youngest – I lost no time
in having the two eye teeth
taken out & I hope I shall
see an improvement
in the middle teeth in
consequence – the plan
you followed with the Eldest
Boy was pretty much what
I anticipated, & I am
glad to think half his
suffering is over – he
has a week’s holiday at
Easter altho’ he does not
in general leave the School,
my idea is to make
him go to London early
in Passion Week, the 2d or 3d
of April, in order that
he may call on you one
of those days, to have
the two other teeth taken
out, as I think it will
be too long for him to
wait till the Summer
holidays, which do not
begin till the end of July.
Unless anything un-
foreseen occurs, or I should
hear from you my plan
is not convenient, I shall
make the necessary
arrangements when
the time arrives.
My Boy expressed himself
much delighted with your
kindness to him.
I remain Yrs M. fy
Lucy E. Home

In 1832 the Hon. Lucy Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the 2nd and last Baron Montagu of Boughton, married
Cospatrick Alexander Home (1799-1881), who succeeded his father to become the 11th Earl of Home in 1841.
Their eldest boy was Charles Alexander (1834-1918) who became Lord Lieutenant for the counties of Berwick and Lanark;
and ADC to Queen Victoria between 1887-1897. His school was Eton College.