The appointment letters of John Durancé George, Dental Surgeon
Writer: Theobald Fitzwalter Butler
Date: 28th June 1847
Address: Newport, Barnstaple
28th June 1847
My dear Sir
I feel quite inadequate to
express to you, not only the delight, but
the surprise, both Mrs Butler & I felt
on the arrival of our daughter after
little more than three months absence
from home, during which time you
have succeeded very far beyond all
we could have expected, in bringing
her front upper teeth into their proper
place, instead of projecting outwards
as they did when you first saw
her in March – She has now as
beautiful a set of well regulated
teeth as her best friends would wish
for her – the alteration is so wonderful
that I really cannot sufficiently thank
you, more particularly as my Aunt
has impressed me, that you have
spared neither time nor timber
in completing what I feel convinced
no other person but yourself, could
accomplish, & that without causing
the least pain to your little Patient.
I have the honor to be
My dear Sir
Yours very faithfully & obliged
TFW Butler
J. Durance George Esqre
32 Old Burlington Street

Good to read an account of successful orthodontics!
Theobald Fitzwalter Butler (1806-1881) succeeded his father as the 14th Baron Dunboyne in July 1850, and his
right to the Barony was confirmed in the House of Lords in 1860. He married Julia Celestina Maria, daughter of
William Brander of Morden Hall, Surrey, in 1832. The 1851 census shows three daughters (and 2 sons):
Julia Anne, b. 1834, Dorinda, b.c. 1835 and Rosalinda, b.c. 1837.
The two younger daughters
died tragically young – Dorinda in 1852 aged 17, and Rosalinda on 25th February 1853, aged 16.
Julia Anne died at Knoppogue Castle, Co. Clare – the family home – in November 1895.
Julia Anne and her parents are buried at Quin Franciscan Abbey, Quin, County Clare:
Sacred to the memory of The Honourable Julia Anne Butler, eldest daughter of The Right
Honourable Theobald Fitzwalter XIV, Lord Dunboyne, and Julia Celestina Maria, his wife,
born, 3rd Oct. 1834, died, 19th Nov. 1895, this tablet is erected by her sorrowing and
loving mother to her beloved daughter.
Also. In loving memory of his wife, Julia Celestine
Marie, Lady Dunboyne, born, Jan 10th 1800 died Christmas Day 1897.
Erected by her only two surviving children.