Appendix WW1 - Kidners and Ketnors in the Great War
Service No.
William and Maria Kidner of Middlesborough
Machine Gun Corps
Private; honourably discharged under Para 392 (xvi a) King's Regulation S. - no longer fit for military service
Silver War Badge no. 517798 issued 19th January 1921. Died at Middlesbrough in 1959.
Albert Edward
John and Alice Kidner of Stockton on Tees
Lincolnshire Regiment
Private. Emigrated to Canada in 1925.
Dennis Henry and Emily Kidner of Aston
Private, Royal Warwickshire Regt.
26943; 1045; 4503
Died in Birmingham in 1954
Alfred William
William and the late Jessie Matilda Kidner of Stoke Holy Cross, Norwich
Major, Royal Field Artillery
Relinquished acting rank of Major on ceasing to command a Battery 10th Oct. 1918.
Died in Lakenheath in 1976, having introduced fine asparagus to much of the world.
Arthur Edward
Frederick George and Emma Kidner
Royal Air Force
Served with the Royal Flying Corps (RFC) in the Kite Balloon Section (Balloon Party);
joined the RAF in 1917, and with the B.E.F. from 15.4.17 to 13.2.18.
Discharged on 26.8.18, no longer physically fit for War Service. Died at Brighton in 1961.
Arthur William
The late William Jesse and Emma Kidner of Pontypridd and Somerset
Private, 28th Battalion, Australian Infantry
A butcher by trade, he joined up in June 1915. Returned to Australia 18 December 1918
Arthur William Colston
Thomas Bessell and Emily Kidner of Montreal
Royal Naval Air Service
Probationary Flight Officer. Commission terminated 20.10.16.
Victory & British War Medals. Died in 1944.
John William and the late Sarah Kidner, of Poole
Hampshire Regt.
Carter died in Bournemouth in 1963
Cecil Robert
Thomas and Florence Jane Ketnor, of Bath
Private, North Somerset Yeomanry
839; 165257
Cecil died in 1970 at Bath.
Charles Henry
Thomas Hogbin and Bertha Harriett nee Kidner
London Regiment, 28th Battalion (Artists Rifles)
10199; 764200
Dental student at Guy's Hospital when he enlisted on 2nd December 1915.
Placed on Army Reserve, and mobilized on 2nd January 1917. With the B.E.F. in France from 16.2.17 to 14.11.17.
Discharged on 24th May 1918 having been appointed
to a temporary commission on the General List as a Dental Surgeon. Charles Henry died in 1982.
John and Louisa Kidner of Abertilleryy
Royal Marine Labour Corps
SS/12276; D/8727/S
Died in 1947
Dennis Henry
Dennis Henry and Emily Kidner of Aston
Sergeant, Machine Gun Corps
Died in Birmingham in 1953
Dennis Henry Kidner
John and Mary Elizabeth Kidner of Ilchester, Somerset
Private, West Somerset Yeomanry; Somerset Light Infantry
1514; 295328
Emigrated to Australia in 1922. Died in 1976 at Dandenong, Victoria.
Ernest Alfred
Alfred Samuel and Mary Jane Kidner, of Lewisham
Canadian Infantry
Enlisted at Victoria, British Columbia, on 10th November 1914
Frederick Clinton
Reuben and Kate Kidner of Michigan, USA
Captain, Orthopaedic Unit attached Royal Army Medical Corps
In April 1917, while on his honeymoon,
he was called to active service in the Army as a Captain and was immediately sent to England
with the first group of orthopaedic surgeons assigned to help Sir Robert Jones in his work
with British casualties. He was stationed at the Military Orthopaedic Hospital at Shepherds
Bush until 1918, when he was promoted to the rank of Major and made Consultant in
Orthopaedic Surgery for the British Isles; this position he held until the end of the War.
Frederick Elworthy
John and Emily Kidner of Dodhill, Somerset
Rifleman, Queen's Westminster Rifles
Read his story here. Came home from Russia and joined 16th Bn. QWR.
Landed in France 26th January 1915; shot by sniper, and died of wounds on 20.02.15, aged 26.
Buried at Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres. (Ref. IX.B.77)
Fred Kidner's headstone at Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery (Credit:Peter J. Kidner)
Service No.
Frederick George
The late Benjamin and Dorothea W.L. Kidner of Adelaide
Silver War Badge no. 238409 issued on 7th September 1917. Died early 1918.
John and Mary Elizabeth Kidner of Ilchester, Somerset
Acting Sergeant, Royal Garrison Artillery, 127th Heavy Battery
I have guessed the identification, but plumped for this George because he was based at Ashton Barracks, Bristol, in April 1915,
and was later to get married in Paris in 1921. He died in 1979 in Weymouth.
George Malcolm
George and Ellen Kidner of Stroud Green, London
Private, London Regt.
6081; 724016
Emigrated to Australia in 1913, and must have come straight back.
He died at Barnet in 1961.
George Victor
George and Jessie Kidner of Camberwell
Apprentice, RAF
Joined up on 30th April 1918, aged 18.
George William
Charles Thomas and Florence Kidner of Tunbridge Wells
Lance Cpl, South African Infantry.
Fought in Delville Wood in July 1916. Killed in action on the 12th October 1916 (Butte de Warlencourt).
Aged 21, he is commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, Pier and Face 4 C.
Headstones at Thiepval (Credit:Patrick N. Kidner)
Service No.
George William
William and Maria Kidner of Middlesbrough
Seaman and Shipwright, Royal Navy
Served on HMS Pembroke II (RNAS at Eastchurch), HMS Hibernia, and HMS Titania (Chatham)
Gilbert Henry
William and the late Jessie Kidner of Stoke Holy Cross, Norwich
2nd Lieut., Army Service Corps
Temp. 2nd Lieut. from 15th April 1918.
Died in 1946 in Norfolk.
Harold Charles
Charles Thomas and Florence Kidner of Tunbridge Wells
Private, Army Service Corps
Discharged 04.06.17 on a/c sickness and awarded Silver War Badge on 19.06.1917.
Harold John
George and Ellen Jane Kidner of Stroud Green, London
Private, London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles)
Killed in action on 7.10.1916 at the Battle of the Somme.
Commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, Pier and Face 13 C.
Thiepval Memorial (Credit:
Service No.
Harold Stuart
Harry Pauling and Ella May Kidner of Ashfield, NSW
Private, Australian Army Medical Corps
Returned to Australia July 1919. Became Archdeacon of Sydney.
William and Maria Kidner of Middlesbrough
Private, Yorkshire Regt.; York and Lancaster Regt.
25084; 58350
"Compulsory [sic] transferred permanently to the York and Lancs Regt.
& posted to 2/4th Bn in the rank of Pte. Reason - Benefit of Service. 5.9.18.
John Russell and Margaret Kidner of South Shields
Staff Sergeant, Royal Engineers
465282; T665
Attached to Tyne Electrical Engineers; 32nd Anti-aircraft Searchlight
Section. The Tyne Electrical Engineers were pioneers in the use of mobile searchlights.
Henry and Ellen Kidner of Birmingham
Private, King's Own (Royal Lancaster) Regt.
Gunsmith. He died in Birmingham in 1953.
Herbert James
George and Mary Ann Kidner, of Herberton, QLD
Private, 15th Battalion, 20th Reinforcement
Returned to Australia 5 March 1919. Died in 1971 at Innisfail, N. Queensland.
Dennis Henry and Emily Kidner of Aston
Private, Army Ordnance Corps
An engineer by training, he died in 1986 in Birmingham.
Valentine and Elizabeth Kidner of Middlesbrough
Royal Army Medical Corps
"Fit for service abroad, but not fit for General Service,
in Labour Units, or on Garrison or Regimental Outdoor Employment" 5.06.1916.
Died in 1948 in Middlesbrough.
James Merson
John and Mary Elizabeth Kidner of Ilchester, Somerset
Private, Australian Infantry,
Died of wounds received at Gallipoli on 07.05.1915 at Alexandria,
and buried at Alexandria (Chatby) Military and War Memorial Cemetery, ref. A.71.
Also commemorated on the cross at St Andrew's Northover, Ilchester, Somerset
Alexandria (Chatby) Military and War Memorial Cemetery (Credit:
Service No.
John ('Jack')
Valentine and Elizabeth Kidner of Middlesbrough
Private, Yorkshire Light Infantry
Jack Kidner, with wife Hannah and young family, c.1917Returned home on leave on death of his child. Back in France, his unit had moved on,
so he joined another. Hannah had to produce postcard from the Front to prove to RMP he had not deserted! Died in 1966.
John and Alice Jane Kidner of Stockton on Tees
Staff Sgt. Royal Army Ordnance Corps
Staff Sgt. John Kidner
John and Louisa Kidner of Abertillery
Pioneer, Royal Engineers
Enlisted 17.08.1915; discharged as unfit for War Service on 6.07.1916.
Suffered from blepharitis (acute inflammation of the eyelids)
Robert Cawthorne
William and Mary Ann Kidner of Ontario
Served 18 months with 7th Regt. of Fusiliers before being discharged so that
he could enlist in the RAF; which he did, at the age of 43, on 25th April 1917, at Toronto.
He was discharged from the RAF in February 1919.
Robert Edward
Edward and Elizabeth Jane Ketnor of Chesterfield
L/Cpl., 3rd South Staffs
Served 1914-1919. Died 1953.
Benjamin and Edith Kidner of Woolavington
Private, West Somerset Yeomanry
Enlisted in 1913, discharged on 26.06.16 with Silver War Badge no.217489
John and Mary Elizabeth Kidner of Ilchester, Somerset
Sergeant, Dorset Yeomanry
412; 39767
Died at Bournemouth in 1971
Thomas Clatworthy
William and Jessie Kidner of Stoke Holy Cross, Norwich
Captain, Royal Army Medical Corps
Killed by a shell while on duty at his advanced dressing station near
Le Transloy during the Somme offensive on 26th October 1916; buried near Lesboeufs. Aged 26.
Also commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, Pier and Face 4 C.
Plaque at Thiepval (Credit:Patrick N. Kidner)
Service No.
Walter James
Walter and Fanny Kidner of Aston Manor
L/Cpl Royal Warwickshire Regt.
Killed in action in France on 27.07.16, aged 20. Buried at Laventie Military Cemetery,
La Gorgue, ref. II.G.45
Laventie Military Cemetery, La Gorgue (Credit:
Service No.
Valentine and Elizabeth Kidner of Middlesbrough
Private, Yorkshire Regiment; Labour Corps
7066; 424771
Died in 1937 at Middlesbrough
William Elworthy Kidner
John and Emily Kidner of Dodhill, Somerset
Major, Royal Engineers
2nd Queen Victoria's Own Sappers and Miners; 33rd Divisional Signal Coy, Lahore Division;
Indian Expeditionary Force, January 1915 to October 1915. Trained 40th Divisional
Signal Coy., and took it to France, June 1916. Recalled to India, October 1917; General Staff. Mentioned in Despatches, 1916; M.C., 1917.
WE Kidner
William John
Jesse and Sarah Amelia Kidner of Tooting
Private, 9th Bn East Surrey Regiment
Enlisted at Kingston upon Thames in September 1914; discharged because of an old
foot injury on 22nd January 1915. Awarded Silver War Badge no. 153109 on 28.03.1917.
Walter George Warden
GF and JB Warden, of Gloucester; husband of Constance Sylvia Warden née Kidner, of 12, Highbury Rd., Weston-super-Mare.
Captain, 8th Bn. Somerset Light Infantry
Killed on 1st July 1916, the first day of the Battle of the Somme. He is buried at Gordon Dump Cemetery, Ovillers-La Boisselle.
Scrutiny of the list above made me realise that many of the Kidners in Wales worked in reserved occupations,
in the steel and mining industries, for example, without whose efforts the war effort would have quickly ground to a halt.
No list of contributors to the War should fail to mention Thomas Bessell Kidner who, working in Canada
and the USA, pioneered the use of occupational therapy in the treatment of disabled soldiers.
His obituary is well worth a read.