Appendix 7 - Tax Roll for Somerset of 1 Edward III, 1327

NB '1 Edward III' uses the standard convention for referring to the first year of the reign of Edward III (reigned 1327-1377)

Taxation sums are expressed in Roman numerals. The last figure, if a one, is written 'j' , so that ijs = 2 shillings, or vijd = 7 pence.

Hundredum de Karamptone (Carhampton Hundred)

Codecombe [Cutcombe]
Pagano de Mohun ijs.
Waltero de Wheddene ijs. iijd.
Adam de Prestecote xijd.
Rogero de Coddesoude viijd.
Adam de Bondeshulle vijd.
Richardo Ackelonde xijd.
Willelmo atte Thopie xijd.
Johanne de Watercombe viijd.
Willelmo atte Borne ixd.
Willelmo de Watercombe xijd.
Waltero de Blakedon xd.
Willelmo de Quarme xijd.
Johanne de Cotethorne ijs.
Roberto de Oldewrithe vijd.
Summa xxe villate predicte xvs. iiijd.
Timbercombe [Timberscombe]
Willelmo de Kytenare ijs.
Johanne de Clouteshamp xijd.
Radulpho Muzhergh xijd.
Rogero de Croudone xijd.
Henrico le Hore xijd.
Simone Garlannd xd.
Thoma atte Torre xijd.
Willelmo de Burghe vijd.
Summa xxe villate predicte viijs. vd.
Exeford [Exford]
Nicholao de Lavercombe xijd.
Johanne Gilbard viijd.
Johanne Homond vijd.
Johanne de Lavercombe xijd.
Richardo Coule vijd.
Willelmo de Chyobeyete xiijd.
Richardo Musset viijd.
Richardo Sutor xijd.
Roberto Greyleg vijd.
Summa xxe villate predicte [vjs.] [viiijd]
Yauere [Yearnor]
Johanne de Brattone iijs.
Emma de Brattone ijs.
Richardo le Duk viijd.
Willelmo Baronn vijd.
Roberto atte Hurteputte xijd.
Willelmo Wylk viijd.
Richardo Syveray vijd.
Galfrido de Avele xijd.
Johanne de C'steham xijd.
Summa xxe villate predicte xs. vjd.
Radeway [Rodway]
domino idem [ie John of Brattone] iiijs.
.... .... ....
Rogero Pym xviijd.
Lucia la Lyf iijs.
Willelmo Eustas xijd.
Willelmo Batheseo xijd.
Richardo Tucbold xiijd.
Nichalao Everard xiiijd.
Everad Galwey vjd.
Willelmo Kytenor vjd.
Thoma de Bisshuphulle vijd.
Summa xxe villate predicte xxviijs. jd.



1. This tax was levied at 1/20th of the value of movable goods, excluding arms, equipment and jewellry, when such value was not less than 10 shillings.

2. Kitenore was taxed with Yearnor. William de Kitenore was evidently not living there; he was living in Timberscombe, perhaps at Well. John and Emma de Barattone may already have been in possession of Kitenore. Emma was Robert's widow and mother of John, who held the advowson [right to appoint the vicar] of the church in 1329 and made a fine for the purchase of Kitenore in 1331.

3. Under Exford it is likely that William de Chyobeyete (Chibbet) was the younger William de Kitenore.

4. John de Kitenore of Allerford was probably dead.

5. Geoffry de Avele (Avill) was taxed under Yearnor. His mother, Maud, may have been a daughter of Geoffry de Kitenore.

6. William Kytenor taxed under Rodway probably, though not certainly, was neither William de Kitenore of Timberscombe nor the younger William de Kitenore of Carhampton hundred.

7. Under Cutcombe William de Quarme was taxed 12d. and under Exton (SRS 3, p.179) William atte Welle was taxed 8d.

8. The assessments for this tax were probably arbitrary. Taxed under Rodway, William Bythesee was taxed 12d. He died in 1336 and the inventory to his will (see SRS 48, No. 123) showed his property as being worth in the region of £10, excluding the value of his crops, grain and livestock; tax of some 10 shillings might have been expected if the formula had been strictly applied.

Source: Exchequer Lay Subsidies, 169/5 (Somerset Record Society 3)

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