Appendix 6 - de Kytenores in deeds and charters (mainly as witness)

The following abstract is taken from the Mohun Cartulary, published by the Somerset Record Society (SRS 33)

Reference Parties Content

1) William de Mohun

2) William son of Durand de Mohun

Charter of William de Mohun confirming to William son of Durand all his land to be held by him and his heirs by the service of five and a half knights; in acknowledgment William gives de Mohun a war-horse (unum dextrarium) and a silver mark
wit. Eudone my brother; Roger de Regnio; Robert of Bulzone; Radulfo de Piro; Hugo Puncharden; William de Kytenore; Richard de Langeham, Robert de Umaz; and others
no date, but c. 1150

The following abstracts are taken from the TREVELYAN PAPERS held by Somerset County Council

Reference Parties Content
BOX 10 Bundle 2 10/2/1

1) Rich. Bozham In La Combe

2) Jas. s. of Geoffrey le Tort

Feoffment of a ferling of land at Hauekingtone in Cudecombe which Richard's mother Sibel held in dower.
wit. [ ] Hywis; Wm. de Kytenore; Gilbert Pyro[ ] de Chaewode
no date ?C13

1) Ralph Bozham In La Combe

2) Ralph le Tort of Hulecombe

Feoffment of a tenement in Hauekyntone and 2 ferlings of land which Walter de Hauekyntone held. rent 1 clove gillyflower to the chief lords
wit. Rich. de Avele; Wm. de Kytenore; Gilbert de Piro; Walter de Cludeham; Geoffrey de Harewode.
no date ? C13.

1) Rob. de Punchardoun

2) Henry de Billat

Grant of a meadow, between Quarmetoun mill, west and water to the north, and one other meadow south of Littlequarme in Bremelcomb.
wit. Sir Rich. de Holn'; Geoffrey de Ketenor; Rich. de Chidesham; Rob. de Wetedon; Rich. de la Hamme; Hamelin de Cumbe; Rob. de Tructekescumbe.
no date ?late C13.

1) Reginald de Moun

2) Rob. Punchardun

Lease for 6 years of tenement and appurtenances in Manor of Cudecume. rent 1 mark
wit. Wm. de Moun; Hamelin de Deaudon; John Bretasch; John de Arundel; Roger de Cottheley; Philip de Lucume; Geoffrey de Ketenore; Geoffrey le Tort; Roger Pollard.
Date: 4 May 1248

1) Reginald de Moun

2) Rob. de Puychardoun

Receipt for 20s. rent received and a further 40s.
wit. Sir Rich. de Holne; Geoffrey de Kytenore; Richard Everard; Philipp de Lucum; Rich. de Chitesham.
Date: Easter 1249.

1) Ralph Bozhum in La Combe

2) Ralph le Tort

Lease for 23 years of a tenement in Haukyngton and 2 ferdels of land which Walter Haukyngton held. Fine 100s.
wit. Rich. de Avele; Gilbert Piro; Wm. de Kytenore; Wm. Monceaus; Geoffrey de Harewode.
Date: 29 Sep. 1294; tagged with seal of Ralph le Tort

1) Ralph Bozham in La Combe

2) Ralph le Tort of Houlecnolle

Quitclaim to land in Haukyngton in the manor of Codecumbe which Walter de Haukynton held.
wit. John de Locumbe; John de Holte; Wm. de Holne; [ ] Pyro; Wm. de Kytenore; Walter de Cloudesham; Gilbert de [ ] Houlecnolle
Date: 29 August 1313

1) Rob. de Vinea

2) Ralph le Tort

Grant in fee of ½ virgate in Ailesford. rent 12d. a year for all services except the King's service of 1/20 of a knight.
witnessed by Rob. son of Rob.; Wm. son of Everard; Rich. de Holne; Wm. de Kitenor; Wm. junior, son of Everard; Matthew de Linz; Hugh de Avele; Wm. de Bosco; Geoffrey de Harwde; Walter de Wettedon; Walter de Bosco; Henry de Holte;
no date, C13.

The following abstracts are taken from other papers held by Somerset County Council

Reference Parties Content

1) John le Smyth of Bath

2) John Wyard of Hopcott

Quitclaim to all lands in Wodecomb in Minehead parish which his wife Matilda inherited on the death of her mother Edith wife of Adam le Prest. Witnesses William de Ryvers, John de Holte, John Pirou, Walter de Hwetedon, William de Kytenor
Date: 18 June 1335

1) William de Mohun of Carhampton, son of Sir William de Mohun

2) Walter Trenchard

Feoffment of a messuage with curtilage which William had from Robert the chaplain in Carhampton between lands of Sir Roger Perceval which Robert Bal holds of him in villeinage on the north and highway to Carhampton church on the south.
Witnesses Ralph le Tort, Walter de Cloutesham, John de Holte, William de Kytenor, Gilbert Pirou.
Date: 1 October 1311

1) Gilbert Drun

2) Roger de Moun

Quitclaim to 7 acres in Prestelande
Witnesses Sir William de Moun, brother of Reginald, Sir Hamelin de Deaudon, Sir John Bretasch, Sir G Parvo, Geofrey de Kytenor, Richard de Cusehywis, Geoffrey le Tort.
Date: 13th Century

1) William de Bosco

2) Geoffrey de Kytenor

A roll of 4 membranes containing copies of 35 deeds.
The twelfth deed is William de Bosco's release of his lands in Bawdrip and Stawell manors to Geoffrey son of Geoffrey de Kytenor; and the thirteenth is Geoffrey's grant of the same to his son William.
Date: 14th Century

The following abstracts are taken James Savage's History of the Hundred of Carhampton (1830):

Reference Parties Content

1) Reginald de Mohun

2) Hugh Rondevin et al, burgesses of Dunster

The right to hold a fair and market in North Street, Dunster, in return for a tun of wine valued at 40 shillings.
Witnesses Lord John de Reigny; Rogo Fitz Simon; William Everard; Richard de Holne; Roger Pollard; Robert de Cogstane; Geoffrey de Kytenore; Geoffrey de Luccombe, and others

1) John de Mohun

2) Burgesses of Dunster

Confirming the liberties granted to the burgesses by his grandfather, Reginald de Mohun, for a fee of twenty shillings in silver, and giving them the right to appoint a bailiff
Witnesses: John le Breteshc, knight; Philip de Luccombe ; Richard de Cloudesham ; John de Holne ; Geoffrey de Kytenore; Geoffrey le Tort; William Everard; William Pyron; Robert de Laputte, and others.
Date: before 1329, which was when John de Mohun died.

1) John de Mohun

2) Burgesses of Dunster

Giving up the right to twenty out of the twenty-four flagons of beer due to him.
Witnesses: Henry de Glaston; Ralph le Tort; Geoffrey de Locumbe ; William de Kytenore; William de Holne ; Robert Everard ; Geoffrey de Avill, and others.
Date: 17 Edward II, that is 1324

The following abstract of a deed is from the Harvard Law Library:

Reference Parties Content
HOLLIS number: APW5711

1) Robert de Vinea

2) His bother, Henry de Vinea

Grant of all his land at Tymbercombe Witnesses: Richard de Holme, Adam de Wechetford, William son of Everard, William de Piro, Adam de Fernacre, Geoffrey de Kytenore, Matthew de Lint, William de Fort;
Date: c. 1270

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