Appendix 56 - Kitnors of Minehead, Dunster and Rodhuish
16th and 17th centuries
1. On 26th April 1507, John Ketenour was a juror on a "court legal with view to frankpledge" at Minehead.
Source: Minehead by Rev. F. Hancock, p. 186.
Also, the Oxford History of England, Vol. III, pp. 394-396 explains that originally these courts were responsible to the Sheriff for seeing that everyone, who should be, was in frankpledge and tithing; the mebers of a tithing were jointly responsible for each member's good conduct or bringing a defaulting member to justice. By the 13th century these courts had become police courts for a number of trivial offences against public order and for the preliminary investigation of serious crimes.
2. In 1522/3 John Kettnor paid 7/- tax on moveable property.
Source: Minehead: Subsidy Roll, 14 & 15 Hen. VIII, 169/168 (1522/24):
Johes. Kettnor in bonis xiiij li. sub. vij s.
3. On 3rd December 1533, John Kitnor witnessed at Minehead the will of William Pyers.
Source: Wells Wills, 1528-1536, by Rev. F.W. Weaver
4. In 1534 John made his own will at Minehead; here is a summary:
Joh. Kytner. 8 Sept. 1534. Wells vjd....parish church of Mynhed a cowe...Jone Roger an ox and a cowe...John Budde x shepe... parish church of Selworthy ij shepe ....harre Glas x shepe... parish church of Wotton ij yowes ...John Sqyrrell a lame ...John Wyks iiijd....every godchild iiijd. Residue to harre Sqyrrell and John hurborde alias Roger. Witnessed by Sir. Thos. Fuger curat, John Sqyerrell.
Source: Wells Wills, 1528-1536, by Rev. F.W. Weaver
5. Between 1600 and 1602 the will of Henry Kitnor of Minehead was proved. Perhaps he was the cousin mentioned in the will of Richard Kitnor of Exford in 1596.
Source: Taunton Wills, Part III; Appendix 100a
6. Richard Kitner and Gunnett his wife
In 1620 Richard Kitner alias Chibbet of Dunster and Gunnett, his wife, sued John Knight of Fitzhead, near Milverton, and Thomas, his brother, about money claimed under the will of Philip Knight, father of John, Thomas and Gunnet. In the proceedings it appears that Richard and Gunnett were married in about 1614.
Sources: PRO Lists and Indexes, No. XXIV; Appendix 30. Chancery Proceedings, PRO Ref. C3, 315/32.
7. Henry Kittner of Rodhuish
On 27th November 1631 Henry Kittner of Rodhuish made his will. He mentioned his brother in law, Richard Courte of Exford, three sisters - Parnell, Joane Horton and Margarett Huishe - and a cosen, Mercy Aller; he also mentioned 2 grand-nieces, 5 nephews and nieces and more than 17 other children.
His nephew John Courte was his residual legatee and executor; his overseers were his brother-in-law Richard Courte, and William Baker of Withepole.
His will was proved in the PCC on 5th May 1634
Sources: PCC will "37 Seager". Appendix 100M(ii)
8. Peter Kittner of Dunster
On 28th March 1596 Peter Kittner was baptised at Dunster; he was probably the son of Thomas Kittner, of whom nothing is known.
Source: Dunster Church and Priory by Rev. F.W. Hancock, p. 106
Peter Kitner was churchwarden of Dunster in 1631, 1653 and 1663 and an overseer of the poor in 1656 and 1664.
Source: Ibid, , pp. 194, 202, 203.
9. In 1641/42 Peter Kidner paid 2/7 tax in Minehead.
Source: Minehead: Subsidy Roll, 17 Chas. I, 172/409 (1641/42):
Peter Kidner ijs. vij d.
10. In 1664 Peter Kidner of Alcombe, Dunster, paid 4/- hearth tax.
On 23rd April 1667, at Dunster, Peter and Anne Kidner paid poor rate at -/6d and -/3d respectively. Peter Kidner was a rate payer in Dunster in 1686.
Source: Dwelly's National Records, Vol. I, p. 119; Dunster Church and Priory pp. 133, 135, 147.
11. Henry Kidner (Kidnor) was a churchwarden of Dunster in 1673 and 1697 and overseer of the poor in 1697 and 1701.
Source: Ibid, pp. 195, 205, 206.
12. Among the Dunster Castle muniments is a list of Minehead residents dated 28th April 1681; it includes James Kidner, George Kidner, Thomas Chibelt (sic). Of these the will of James Ketnor was proved in 1703.
Source: Taunton Wills, Part III; Appendix 100a
Last updated on 18th December 2007
© Simon Kidner 2007