Appendix 5 - Red Book of the Exchequer

The Liber Rubeus de Scaccario, or Red Book of the Exchequer, was a certification carried out in 1166 of all knight's fees held under Henry II.

William of Briouze, based at Barnstaple, held 28 knights, one of whom was William de Chetenore - the first identifiable ancestor of the Kidner family.

This is the Charter of William of Briouze, listed under the county of Devon:

Hii sunt milites Willelmi de Brahosa de honore de Berdestaple:

Philippus de Chartrai tenet foeda xiij militum, et isti sunt milites Philippi:

tenent de Willelmo de Braosa foedum trium militum.

Et isti sunt milites qui de Ranulfo tenenti:

Willelmus filius Johannis tenet foeda trium militum de Willelmo de Braosa

Walterus filius Radulfi tenet foeda iiij militum de Willelmo de Braosa.

Hugo de Ralega tenet foeda iij militum.

Willelmus de Ruaberga tenet foedum j militis de Erkenbaldo Flandrensi.

Et Erkenbaldus tenet de Willelmo de Braosa. Omnes isti milites feodati sunt de veteri feffamento.

Summa --- xxviij milites.


These are the knights of William of Briouze of the honour of Barnstaple:

Philip of Chartres held the fees of 13 knights, and these are Philip's knights:

they hold of William of Briouze three knight's fees.

And these are the knights beholden to Ranulf:

William son of John holds three fees of William of Briouze.

Walter, son of Radulf, holds four fees of William of Briouze.

Hugh of Raleigh holds three fees.

William of Roborough holds one fee of Erkenbald of Flanders.

And Erkenbald holds of William of Briouze. All are veteran enfoeffed knights.

In total - 28 knights.


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Last updated on 14th January 2014