The last Will and Testament of Harriet Kidner of Woodford in the parish of Monksilver in the County of Somerset. I give and bequeath to my husband Richard Kidner the sum of £100. I also give the said Richard Kidner the interest of [ie on] £700 during his natural life. After the decease of the said Richard Kidner I give to my sister Elizabeth the sum of £300. I give to William John Dibble son of my brother John Dibble the sum of £200. I give to my sister Anna or Hannah Dibble the sum of £100. I give to my sister Sophia Brown £50. I give to my sister Mary Dibble the sum of £50. I also give to Amelia Dibble, daughter of the said Anna or Hannah Dibble my share of an estate called or known by the name of 'Allens' situate in the parish of Lydeard St Lawrence.

Signed - Harriet Kidner

In the presence of Louisa Hobbs, X the mark of Mary Davis

Dated this 11th day of April 1850

On the 23rd day of March 1857 admon. with the will annexed of the goods chattles and credits of Harriet Kidner (wife of Richard Kidner late of Woodford in the parish of Monksilver in the County of Somereset) deceased was granted to the said Richard Kidner the sole Legatee for life named in the said will and as the lawful husband of the said deceased the sole person entitled to her personal Estate and Effects over which she had no disposing power and concerning which she is dead intestate having been first sworn by Commission duly to administer - No Executor or Residuary Legatee.



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Last updated on 6th March 2010

© Simon Kidner 2010

Appendix 115 - Will of Harriet Kidner, of Monksilver