Last updated on 10th January 2008
© Simon Kidner 2008
In the name of God, Amen, I James Kidner Mid. No. on Ships Books, 1017, belonging to His Majestys Ship Orion being in bodily Health, and of sound and disposing Mind and Memory, and considering the Perils and Dangers of the Seas, and other Uncertainties of this transitory Life, do (for avoiding Controversies after my decease) make, publish, and declare this my last Will and Testament, in Manner following (That is to say) First, I recommend my Soul to God that gave it, and my Body I commit to the Earth or Sea, as it shall please God to Order, and as for and concerning all my wordly Estate, I give, bequeath, and dsipose thereof as followeth. That is to say to my beloved Wife Ann Kidner - now living at Exmouth in the County of Devonshire
Wages, Sum and Sums of Money, Lands, Tenements, Goods, Chattels, and Estate whatsoever, as shall be any ways due, owing, or belonging unto me at the Time of my Decease, I do give, devise, and bequeath the same unto my beloved Wife Ann Kidner of the Place and County aforesaid.
And I do hereby nominate and appoint my b'loved Wife Ann Kidner
to be my Executrix of this
my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former and other Wills, Testaments and Deeds of Gifts, by me at any Time heretofore made. And I do Ordain and ratify these Presents, to stand and be for, and as my only Willa nd Testament.
In Witness whereof, to this my said Will, I have set my Hand and Seal, the Thirtyeth Day of March in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and 97 And in the thirty seventh Year of the Reign of his Majesty King George the third over Great Britain, &c.
Signed, sealed, publish'd, and
declared in the Presence of
John .............. James Kidner
Wm. ..............
Appendix 113 - Will of James Kidner, of Exford
Midshipman of HMS Orion
on the 30th March 1797 but not proved.
James, born c. 1763, had married Ann Ewings
on 27th February 1796, and managed to survive both the Navy and the Napoleonic
Wars. He
died in 1828, being buried at Littleham on 29th July that year. The will is
drawn up on a
pre-printed form. The manuscript additions are shown in bold below: