Last updated on 8th January 2008
© Simon Kidner 2008
In the name of god Amen, the seaven and twentieth day of July Anno Dom 1650 I Thomas Kidner the Elder of Broomfield in the County of Somerset yeoman being of sound and perfect memory thankes be to god I doe revoke all my former wills and testaments and do hereby make and ordaine my laste will and testament in manner and forme following, Inprimis I commend my soule into the hands of Allmighty god my Creator hoping to have ever lasting life only in and by Jesus Christ my Saviour and Redeemer and I commit my body to the earth to be buried with christian burial.
Item I give devise and bequeath unto Thomas Kidner the younger, my sonne one Annuitie of ten pounds of lawful English mony by the yeare during the widowhood of ffrances my wife To be issueing and paid out of one close called Priors Downe conteyneing by estimacon one hundred and one acres and out of our other close called Heathcombe Hill conteyneing by estimacon five acres be they more or less with th'appurtenances situate lyeing and being in Broomefield aforesaid and now in my tenure. At the fouer most usual feasts or termes of the yeare vizt the ffeastes of the birth of our Lord God, the Annunciacon of our blessed Virgin Mary, the Nativitie of Saint John the Baptist and St Michael the Archangell by even porcens. And if it shall happen the said Annuitie to bee behinde and unpaid in part or in all by the space of foureteene days next after any of the said ffeasts aforesaid in which the same ought to be paid being in the meanetime lawfully demanded that then and from thenceforth and soe often it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Thomas Kidner the younger and his assignee and assignes into the said premises with the appurtenances and every or any part thereof to enter and distreyne for the same and the distresse and distresses there taken to leade drive carry away and impound or otherwise detaine and keepe at his and their pleasure to make sale thereof ontill the said Annuitie and the arrearages thereof (if any shalbe) shalbe unto the said Thomas Kidner the younger his assignee or assignes fully satisfied and paid.
Item I give devise and bequeath unto Robert Kidner my sonne one Annuitie of six pounds of lawfull English money by the yeare during his life to be issueing and paid out of the aforesaid close called Priors Down and out of the said close called Heathcombe Hill with th'appurtenance at the fouer ffeastes or termes of the yeare aforesaid by even porcens. And if it shall happen the said Annuitie of six poundes by the yeare to be behinde and unpaid in part or in all by the space of foureteen dayes next after any of the ffeastes aforesaid in which the same ought to be paid being in the meantime lawfully demanded that then also and from thenceforth and soe often it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Robert Kidner his assigne and assignes into the said two closes with th'appurtenances and unto every or any part thereof to enter and distreyne for the same and their distresse and distressed there taken to leade drive carry away and impound or otherwise deteyne and keepe and at his and their pleasure to make sale thereof untill the said Annuitie of six pounde and the arrearages thereof if any shalbe shalbe unto the said Robert Kidner his assigne or assignes fully satisfied and paid.
Item I devise and bequeath the said close called Priors Downe with the appurtenance unto ffrances my wife for the terme of her widdowhood if shee shall happen to overlive me charged with the payment of the Annuitie aforesaid And in case the said ffrances my wife shall after my death happen to marry any other man Then I give devise and bequeath unto the said ffrances one Annuitie of eight pounds of lawfull English mony by the yeare from and after such marriage for and during her life To be issueing and paid out of the said close called Priors Downe and out of the said close called Heathcombe Hill with the appurtenance at the fouer ffeasts or corners of the yeare aforesaid by even porcens And if it shall happen the said Annuitie of eight pounde to be behind and unpaid in part or in all by the space of foureteen dayes next after any of the said ffeasts in which the same ought to be paid being in the meane time lawfully demanded that then also and from henceforth and soe often it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said ffrances her Assigne and Assignes into the said two closes with th'appurtenance and every or any part thereof to enter and distreyne for the same And the distresee and distresses there taken to leade drive carry away away and impound or otherwise detayne and keepe, and at her and their pleasure to make sale thereof untill the said Annuitie of eight pounds and the arrearage thereof (if any shalbe) shalbe unto the said ffrances her assigne or assignes fully satisfied and paid;
Item I give devise and bequeath unto the said Thomas Kidner the younger my sonne the said Close called Priors Down with the house thereon builded and the said Close called Heathcombe Hill with th'appurtenance to have and to hold the same from and after the deterermination of the widdowhood of the said ffrances for and during his naturall life charged with the Annuities aforesaid to the said Robert and ffrances
Item I give devise and bequeath unto the said Robert and ffrances John Kidner my sonne the said close called Priors Downe with the house thereon builded and the said close called Heathcombe Hill with th'appurtenances and all the remainder of my Estate and terme of yeares therein to have and to hold the same from and after the determination of the widowhood of the said ffarnces and the death of the said Thomas Kidner the younger my sonne unto the said John Kidner his executors administrators and assignes To the only use and behoof of the said John Kidner his executors administrators and assignes charged with the said Annuitie And the said John Kidner his Executors administrators and assigns also yeilding and paying out of the said premisses during the continuance of the remainder of the said terme unto the children of the said Thomas Kidner the younger my sonne equally to be divided betweene them if they or any or either of them shall soe long live one Annuitie of six pounds of lawfull English money by the yeare at the ffeastes aforesaid by even porcons.
Item I give devise and bequeath unto the said ffrances my wife my best bedstedd and best bedd with the furniture thereunto belonging my second best crocke and such a convenient proporcon of my other household stuffe as shalbe fit for her to keep house withall.
Item I give devise and bequeath all the residue of my bedding bedst[ea]ds and other household stuffe unto my children equally to be divided between them.
Item I give devise and bequeath unto the said Thomas Kidner my sonne my soape furnace and furniture thereunto belonging.
Item I give devise and bequeath unto Mary, my daughter the sum of one hundred pounds of lawfull English mony to be paid unto her when she shall attain unto the age of fouer and twenty yeares if shee shall soe long live But if she dye before shee shall shall attaine to the said age of fouer and twenty yeares then I give devise and bequeath the said one hundred pounds unto such my other children which shall then be liveing equally to be divided between them (except my sonne Richard who is to have noe share therein) And I doe declare and appointe that the said one hundred pounds shall be paid by my sonne Richard Kidner out of Holwill Tenement.
Item I give devise and bequeath unto the said Richard Kidner my sonne my tenement called Holwill with the appurtenance and all the Lands meadows and pasture thereunto belonging conteyning by estimacon threescore acres be they more or lesse in Broomfield aforesaid and all my estate and terme of yeares therein Upon condition that the said Richard his executors administrators or assigns shall pay to the said Mary, my daughter the said one hundred poundes when shee shall attain unto the age of fouer and twenty years if shee shall live soe long or within one month then next after And if she shall dye before the accomplishment of that age that then, that the said Richard his executors, administrators or Assigns shall pay the said one hundred pounds unto the rest of my children then living equally to be divided between them according to the true intent and meaning of this my will and testament within one yeare next after the death of the said Mary soe dyeing before the accomplishment of the said age of fouer and twenty yeares.
Item I give devise and bequeath unto John Kidner, my sonne my three closes of land called Warrcliffe conteyning by estimacon forty and eight acres be they more or lesse in Broomfield aforesaid and all my estate and terme of yeares therein
Item I give devise and bequeath unto Robert Kidner my sonne the house and orchard with th'appurtenance in Broomfield aforesaid now in the tenure of James Walford and all my estate and tenure of yeares therein.
Item all and singular other my goods and chattells before not given nor bequeathed my debts being paid and funerall discharged I give and bequeath unto ffrances my wife whom I make my executrix of this my last will and testament. And I desire my loveing friends James Knight and John Knight of Broomfield and George Kidner of Spaxton to be my Overseers desireing them to see this my will performed according to the true meaneing thereof And for their paines I give to each of them a payre of gloves of two shillings price. In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written. Thomas Kidner.
Sealed published and delivered in the presence of we after the words (widdowhood of ffrances my) were interlined J............... [blank space] Knight, George Kidner
This will was proved at London before Sir Nathaniel Brent Knight Doctor of Laws Master or Keeper of the Prerogative Court the nynteenth day of June in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred ffifty one by the oath of ffrances Kidner the Relict of the said deceased and executrix named in the said will. To whom was committed Administration of and singular the goods chattells and debts of the said deceased shee being first by vertue of a comission legally swortne well and truely to administer the same.
family of Thomas Kidner
(.pdf chart)
Appendix 108 - Will of Thomas Kidner of Broomfield
Made on the 27th July 1650 and proved on the 19th June 1651