Last updated on 8th January 2008
© Simon Kidner 2008
the 25th day of March 1649
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN, I Mary Kidner of Spaxton in the countie of Somerset widdowe being sick in body but of perfect mynde and memory thankes be to God doe make and ordayne this my last will and testament in manner and forme following (vizt). Inprimis I give and bequeath my soule unto Allmighty God and my body to Christian buriall.
Item I give to the poore of the parish of Spaxton twenty shillings to be distributed amongst them within one moneth after my decease by the hand of the Executor;
Item I give unto Richard Kidner sonne of my sonne Thomas Kidner one shilling in money one brasse panne the greatest saveing one, one brasse pott the greatest saving one, the worst posnett , one flockbedd, one white Rugge, one feather boulster and one feather pillowe one payre of sheetes and two pewter platters to be paid within one whole yeare after my decease;
Item I give unto my Godsonne John Kydner one shilling in money;
Item I give to Thomas Kydner Robert Kydner and Mary Kidner three other children of my sayd sonne Thomas Kydner the summe of twenty shillings a peece to be paid unto their father within one year after my decease and upon the receipte whereof he the sayd Thomas the father shall give good and sufficient security unto my Executor for the payment of the sayd legacies as they come of yeares;
Item I give to Robert Kydner sonne of my sonne Robert Kydner deceased one feather bedd and bedsted with the furn iture thereunto belonging, two milche kyne the little brasse pott the white white brasse panne the brewing furnes two platters one new chayre the two cupboards being in the new house and a brasse posnett and the brewing fate. And my will is that Alice his Mother shall have the moderate use of the goods given him (in case shee remayne still a widdowe) until hee shall attayne unto the age of one and twenty yeares or be married. But if the said Alice shall happen to dye before that her sonne attayne unto the sayd Age of one and twenty yeares that then the sayd goods shall remayne to the Executor to the use of the sayd Robert Kidner. But if the sayd Robert shall happen to dye before that he come unto the age of one and twenty yeares my will is that all the sayd goods given unto the sayd Robert shall remayne unto my Grandchildren to bee divided by even and equall portions.
Item I give unto Mary Knight the daughter of Hugh Knight the summe of ten pounds and one spruce chest
Item I give unto Richard Kydner sonne of my sonne Richard Kidner five pounds;
Item I give unto Richard Kydner and Mary Kydner Children of my sonne George Kydner ten pounds a peece;
Item I give unto Thomas Kydner my sonne five shillings foure silver spoones the best Caldron save one;
Item I give unto my servant Anne ffisher daughter of Edward ffisher twenty shillings;
Item I give unto all my Godchildren twelve pence a peece.
All the rest of my goods and Chattels not given or
bequeathed my debts paid and funerall discharged I give and bequeath unto
my sonne George Kydner whom I make and ordayne sole Executor of this my last
will and testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale the day and yeare
abovesayde in the presence of those whose names are under written Mary Kydner
Witnessed hereunto Roger Shattocke the marke of Alice Kydner:
Memorand that I do hereby appointe John Carleill of
Spaxton aforesayd Clerke and Humfrey Podey of Bishop Lydeard in the said County
of Somerset and Hugh Knight of Spaxton aforesaid yeoman, to be Overseers of
this my last will and testament before mencioned to see the same duely executed
and performed and I give to each of them Tenn Shillings for their paine
John Carleil Humfrey Pody Hugh Knight
family of Mary Kidner
(.pdf chart)
Appendix 107 - Will of Mary Kidner née Morley of Spaxton
Made on the 25th March 1649 and proved on the 6th December 1649