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Last updated on 8th January 2008

© Simon Kidner 2008

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN, I Robert Kidner of Spaxton in the countie of Somersett being perfect of memorie praise bee unto Allmightie God, doe constitute and make this for my last will and Testament, Inprimis I commende my soule into the handes of Allmightie God my gracious creator hopinge for eternal life on thy by the means of Jesus Christ my merciful Redeemer And my body unto Christian buriall. And no form of worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased god to bless me in thankfullnes towarde him I give unto the poore of the parish of Spaxton the sume of Twenty shillings to be distributed among them within one month after my Death

Item I give unto Robert Kidner my Sonne the some of one hundred poundes the lawfull interest of the money to be yearly paid unto Alice my wife for the maintenance of my said sone Robert And the principall unto my sone Robert when hee accomplish the yeares of one and twenty

Item I give unto that child with which my wife is now with child withall the some of One hundred pounds to be imployed for the safety of my Child when it shall please God to have given my wife a satisfactory deliverance And I have formerly in this my will ordered for my sone Robert. But my will is that if this child shall fortune to dye before it accomplish the yeares of one and twenty that then it expence of a hundred pounde shalbe payd unto my son Robert. Or if my sone Robert shall fortune to dye before the p[re]fixed time of one and twenty yeares then my will is that his porcen of a hundred pounde shall be paid unto that child with which my wife is now with Child if it shall survive my sonne Robert.

Item whereas I stand possessed of the remainder of diverse yeares yet to come in one tenement at Pightly as the grant of Sir John Mallett knight late of Ermer deceased if Alice my wife Edward Leave Barnabas Leave shall fortune soe long to live My will is that Alice my wife shall enjoy the remainder of yeares during her life And after her decease the remainder of yeares which shall then be unexpired of in the tenement aforesaid to be equally divided between Robert my sone and the child with which Alice my wife is now with child. Or if otherwise the whole estate to remayn unto the survivor of them

Item I give unto each of the children of my brother Thomas Kidner the some of ten shillings Except Robert Kidner my Godsone unto whome I give Twentie ~ shillings.

Item I give unto all the rest of my Godchildren unto each of them three shillings and fouer pence Except John the Sone of John Addams unto whom I give ten shillings.

Item I give unto Richard & An[n]e Kidner the sonne & daughter of Richard Kidner my brother deceased unto each of them Tenn shillings.

Item I give unto Henry Starkey ten shillings.

Item I give unto An[n]e Edny Tenn shillings.

Item I give unto Joane Trobridge five shillings.

Item I give unto Robert Grandsell the younger six shillings.

Item I give unto the children of ffrancis Kidner my kinsman the sume of five shillings to be bestowed in necessaries for them by the discrecon of Alice my wife. I farther my Request is unto my good brother & brother Lawe George Kidner & Hugh Knight that they wilbe the Overseers of this my last will and testament and carefully to provide for the honest Religious breedinge of Robert my sone and that other Child with which my wife is now with Child. And in case that Alice my wife shall fortune to take a second marriage That then the said Hugh & George will detayne in their hand the former given Legacies of Two hundred pounds unto Robert my sone and the other child with which my wife now goeth for the breeding of my children and in their discretion they shall think fitt.

All the rest of my goods Chattells not formerly bequeathed I doe give unto Alice my wife whom I doe constitute and make the sole Executrix of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have put my hand & seale onto this schedule and acknowledge it for my last will and testament the nyneteenth day of July Anno Dm 1639 In the presence of Robert Kidner, Ric[hard] Powell, George Kidner

The 27th day of October 1639

Robert Kidner the testator did take of the Legacy of five shillings formerly given unto Robert Grandsell And bequeathed it unto the children of ffrancis Kidner within named. Alsoe his best suite of Apparell unto George his brother with the girdle belonging. Unto Edward Kidner my kinsman my greene rideing coate unto John Stuckey of Spaxton my old suite of Apparell. Unto Thomas Kidner my Brother my Cloath Cloak with my sword and belte. In the presence of Richard Powell George Kidner The mark of George Buller.

The family of Robert Kidner
(.pdf chart)

Appendix 105 - Will of Robert Kidner of Spaxton

Made on the 19th July 1639 and proved on the 16th February 1639/40.