Last updated on 7th January 2008
© Simon Kidner 2008
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN, I Richard Kidner of Spaxton in the countie of Somersett being of perfect and good memory thankes be to Allmightie god, do constitute and ordaine this as my last will and testament, Inprimis I commende my soule into the handes of Allmightie god my gracious creator hopinge by the meritte of Jesus Christ and a lively faith in his meritte to receive an everlasting inheritance amonge those that are sanctified and my bodie unto christian buriall in the p[ari]she Church of Spaxton
Item I give unto the poore of the p[ari]sh
of Spaxton twentie shillings to be distributed amonst them within one Moneth
after my decease,
Item I give unto the five children of Francis Kidner my kinsman of
Spaxton the summe of five pounds to be divided amonge them by equall portions
and paid unto each of them as they shall successively accomplish the age of
one and twentie years,
Item I give of my Chattell of Blacksole all that part of it which lies
on the South west of the house conteyninge about thirtie four acres unto my
sonne George, and the house and all the rest of the groundes lyinge North
east of the house conteyninge about eighteen acres with the dwellinge house
and all bartens and housinge thereunto belonging unto my sonne Robert To have
and hould unto either of them their heires or A[ss]ignes either of these partes
for all the tearme of time determynable upon lives which I have yet to come
and unexpired in the said tenement. Butt my will is that whereas there is
a match intended betweene my sonne George and Mary Good widdow the daughter
of Matthew Walten if the match shall proceed and take effect, and my sonne
George shall pay unto my sonne Robert in one moneth after the solemnizacon
of such intended marriage the summe of one hundred poundes and the sum of
one hundred poundes more within a year after the first payment then my sonne
Robert shall not have or enjoy anie parte of my tenement of Blacksole but
shall quietly suffer my sonne George unto whome upon these foresaid condicons
I bequeath the whole foresaid tenement to enjoy it;
Item I give unto Richard Kidner sonne of my sonne Thomas the some of
twentie poundes
Item I give unto Robert Kidner sonne of my sonne Robert the summe of
twenty poundes;
Item I give unto Edward Kidner, my kinsman of Huntspill twentie shillings
Item I give unto my sonne George the house and three acres called Somerstands
of the tenant of Mr Luttrell of Dunster Castle so as he shall in liewe thereof
discharge the some of one and twentie poundes which is due unto Joane Kidner
my Sister Lawe leaving the meadowe of the same terme unto my Executor,
Item I give unto my sonne Thomas whom I doe release of all former debts
the some of fortie poundes to be paid twentie poundes within six moneths after
my decease and twentie poundes more within six monethes after the firste payment
is due
Item I give unto Thomas, John, Robert and Mary the sonnes and daughter
of my sonne Thomas unto each of them ten shillings, the whole fortie shillings
to be paid unto them within one moneth after my decease;
Item I give unto Margery the daughter of my sister Lawe Joane Kidner
Widdow twentie shillings.
Item I give unto all my godchildren unto each of them exceptinge Richard
sonne of my late sonne Richard twelve pence, and unto him the said Richard
tenn shillings.
Item I give unto Jane Kidner daughter of Robert Kidner my kinsman twentie
shillings to be paid within one month after my decease.
Item I give unto Henry Stucky my servant twentie shillings.
Item I give unto Mary Knight my daughter my spruse chest.
All the rest of my goodes and Chattells not formerly disposed my debts and legacies discharged I doe give and bequeath unto Mary Kidner my wife whome I doe make my full and sole Executrix, but if that Mary my wife shall fortune to die before the probate of this my will and test[a]m[e]nt, or within six weekes after my decease and not fully recovered of this sickness of which shee nowe languisheth then my will is that all the remaininge goods chattells and monyes which shalbe left unto my executrix above my debts and legacies shall then bee equally distributed between Thomas, George and Robert my sonnes by Richard Powell clerke Humfry Pime and William Champion gent or anie twoe of them whome I doe make in this behalfe my Executors in trust of this my will and testament in case that Mary my wife shall not live but dy within the tearme before prefixed.
In witness whereof I have putt my hand and seale unto this schedule dated the Eighteenth day of February one thousand six hundred thirtie eighte, the mark of Richard Kidder Testator, in the p[re]sence of Richard Powell, Hugh Knight his mark, George Kidner.
This will was proved at London on 16th April 1639 before Henry Wharten Doctor of Laws:
Appendix 104 - Will of Richard Kidner of Spaxton
Made on the 18th February 1638/91631 and proved on the 16th April 1639.