Last updated on 7th January 2008
© Simon Kidner 2008
NAME OF GOD AMEN. The seaven and twentieth day of November anno Dm' Dei 1631
I Henry Kittner of Rodhuishe in the p'ishe of Carhampton within the Dioces
of Bathe and Wells being in good and p'fect memory but sicke and diseased
in body thankes be given to Almighty god and yet consideringe the frailtie
of mans nature how subiect the same is unto death and not knowing how soone
or suddenly it may please Almighty God to call me out of this transitorie
life Do therefore make my p'sent last will and testament concerning my goods
and p'sonall estate in manner and forme followinge.
Inprimis I comende my soule into the hands of Almightie god my maker and my
body I bequeath to the earth to be buried accordinge to the discretion of
my executor and Overseers.
I give and bequeath unto St. Andrews Church of Wells twelve pence.
Item I give unto the Church of Carhampton twelve pence;
Item I give unto the poore people of Carhampton fforty shillings to
be distributed within one moneth after my death;
Item I give unto the poore people of Withicombe [amount omitted from
37 Seager transcript] to be distributed within one moneth after my death;
Item I give unto my brother in lawe Richard Courte of Exford twenty
Item I give unto John Courts two daughters Johane and Jane tenn pounds
Item I give unto my sister Parnell and unto her two daughters five
pounds to be equally devided betweene them;
Item I give unto my sister Joane Horton fforty shillings;
Item I give unto Arthur Woolcottes fower children tenn shillings apeece.
Item I give unto my cosen Mercy Aller fforty shillings and to her children
twenty shillings apeece:
Item I give unto my sister Margarett Huishe forty shillings.
Item I give unto my godson John Huishe fforty shillings and unto her
other two children Mary Huishe and Robt. Huishe twenty shillings apeece.
Item I give unto John Blakes three children twenty shillings apeece
and to his wife forty shillings.
Item I give unto John Beeres sixe children twenty shillings apeece;
Item I give unto Jospeh Smiths fower children two lambes betweene them.
Item I give unto Sallome Warren tenn pound.
Item I give unto all my godchildren twelve pence apeece.
Item I give unto my kinsman Thorne of Cotherson my second suite of
Item I give unto Mr. Poole twenty shillings for to make a sermon at
my funerall.
Item I give unto my godson Charles Wares sonne twenty shillings.
Item I give unto my kinswoman Anne Huishe one ewe.
Item I give unto Nicholas Baker fforty shillings.
All my other goods not before given nor bequeathed my legaces and debts paid my funerall discharged I hereby give and bequeath unto my kinsamn John Courte sonne of the said Richard Court of Exford whom I make my whole and sole executor of this my present last will and testament and doe appointe to be my Overseers Richard Courte of Exford and William Baker of Withepole and for their paines takinge I give them twelve pence apeece.
the signe and seale of Henry Kitton Teste Mr. Thoma' Horne, the mark of John Huishe Witnes.
Debts owing unto me
James Pepper oweth unto me |
xviij li.
John Blundon oweth unto me |
iiij li .
George Beere oweth unto me |
ij li..
x s. |
James Pearce of Caverley | xx s. |
Proved on 5th May 1634
Appendix 103 - Will of Henry Kittner of Rodhuish.
Made on the 27th November 1631 and proved on the 5th May 1634.