Last updated on 7th January 2008
© Simon Kidner 2008
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. THE TWELVE DAYE of March in the Yeare of our Lord God on thousand five hundered ninetie and five; I Richard Kitner of Exford in the Diocese of Bath and Wells being sicke in bodie but of good and perfect remembrance thankes be unto almightie God doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge: ffirst I comend my Soul into the handes of allmightie God and my bodie to be buried in the church of Exforde. I give to St Andrewes church in Wells twelve pence: I give towardes the maintenance of the church of Exfoorde Twentie Shillings:
I give to the use of the poore of Exfoord five pounds the same to be delivered
to the Sydeman of the parishe to imploye the same yeerelie for the reliefe
of the poore: whereof my will is that at everie accoumpte daie the Sydemen
doe distribute the use of the fyve poundes to the poore for ever, or a s long
as Law will so permit yt, otherwise that they distribut yt when that course
maie be no longer tolerated amonge the poore of the saide parish of Exford
Item I give to Henry Kytner my cosyn Twentie Shillings;
Item I give to Joane Kytner his syster Twentie Shillings;
Item I give to the four daughters of Wilmut Kytner xx s. apeece;
Item I give to Henry and Joane Hensleighe four ewes;
I give to Robt. Shoobrooke xx s.;
Item I give to everie of my godchildren eight peence;
Item I give to Marian my daughter one hundred marckes to be paid unto
her by my Executor within two yeares after my decease;
Item I give to the said Marian one fether bed and boulster one coverled
and two blankets the use whereof my wife shall have during her life;
Item I give to Joan my daughter one hundred marckes to be paied unto
her by my Executor within three yeares after my decease;
Item I give to the saide Joane on feather bed and boulster one coverled
and two blankets the use whereof my wief shall have during her life;
Item I give to John Kytner my sonne one hundred marckes to be paid
unto him when he shalbe twelve years of age and a cow presentlie to be delivered
unto him: yf either Marian Joane or John my childeren doe happen to decease
before they, or any, of them doe receive this my legacie then my will is that
Roger my sonne and the survivors of the rest shall have his or their porcon
so deceasinge equallie by my Overseers and Executor distributed amongest them.
Item I give to Roger my sonne two oxen: viz: brown and play, two kyne:
viz: the
blacke cow and a heifer, which is the uttmost save one standing in the stall,
a coople of steers, and the standing bedsteede and bed with all the furniture
therto belonging wherein I lye which is at the staire hed;
Item I give to the saide Roger two standing bedsteedes more, the use
whereof my wiefe shall have during her dwelling in the house;
Item I give to the said Roger halfe my plow stuffe and halfe my folde
for shepe during my wives widows estate and the whole plowe stauffe and folde
Item I give to the said Roger my cheetle and cupbourd one table bourde
in the hall to remaine wholie to him but the use of them to be unto both lyving
together upon the bargaine; whereas at the makinge herof my wife did make
promise unto mee before such as then were present that shee should openly
in courte make surrender of the moitie or halfendeale of my living according
to the tenure of his copies graunted unto him yf my wief so doe and parforme
according to my request and her promise the deliverie of the said moitie or
halfendeale of my lyving then shall my Sonne Roger have no other legacie given
unto him of corne; Otherwise yf shee doe refuse to make surrender at the first
court or courts to be holden within this manner, then I give unto my Sonne
Roger one hundered poundes to be paid unto him by my Execut' within halfe
a yeere next after my decease;
Item I give to Roger halfeendeale of my corne wholie, onlie for the
maintenance of his house yf the living shalbe surrendered unto him, and all
the particular Legacies before given whither he have the living or not, only
the Cii excepted;
Debita Petenda:
John Vicarie of Exton oweth mee - xxvij li.;
John Whitfeilde oweth mee - viij li and for the use thereof for fower yeers;
Silvester Lang oweth me to be paid the first of maye next - xij li.
John Almeswoorthie oweth mee - v li.;
Robt Dollen oweth mee - v li.;
Walter German oweth me - xiij s. iiijd.;
Edward Webber of Dulverton oweth mee - vi li.;
John Gibbe oweth mee - xx s.;
yf John Houndle doe paie x s. I forgive him the rest;
Anthony Crange oweth mee - xl s.;
Sisselie Bradford oweth mee - iij li.;
William Houndle oweth mee - xij s.;
Thomas Luckas oweth mee - x s.;
Andrew Bearne oweth mee - vj s. viij d.;
Richard Elis oweth mee - vj s. viij d.;
Other debts there are and wilbe due unto me the which shall appear by specialtie
in bands and bills obligatorie;
Summa totalib' - lxix li. xviij s. viij d.
Memorand: that I acknowledge myselfe indebted unto the Executor of my brother Roger Kitner late deceased the somm of lx li.
The rest of all my goods not given ne bequeathed, my debts and legacies paid and my funeralles discharged, I give and bequeath unto Petronell my wief whom I make and constitute my whole and sole executor of this my last will and testament, and for ye better performance of my said will for the payment of the legacies by mee given, I request my trustie and wellbeloved freindes John Houndle, Roger Court, and Henry Kitner to have a care therof, whom I make and appoint Overseers of my childeren therby they may viz: my children receive theire legacyesseverallie given unto them and of this my will, are: witnesses, John Morgan Clarke, John Houndle, Roger Courte, Henry Kytner, Robert Luckas and other.
above-written will was proved in London before Master William ffarrand, doctor
of law, surrogate of the venerable Master William Lewyn, also doctor of law,
keeper or deputy commissary of the prerogative court of Canterbury, on the
23rd April 1596, on the oath of Thomas Lovell, notary public, acting for Petronella
Kytner, widow of the said deceased and named as executrix in the will, to
whom was committed administration. To be well and faithfully carried out etc:
Sworn on the Holy Gospel
P exr P).
Appendix 102 - Will of Richard Kitner of Exford.
Made on the 12th March 1595 and proved on the 23rd April 1596