Saturday Jany 16 1830
At 8 a.m. hove up and made all sail. A strong breze from the SE Went to leaward of Rewbins Island were we had light wind lay
some time beating but 2 or 3 miles from land saw 3 Ships making for the Cape at 4 p.m. A strong breze sprang up which lasted
about 1 hour. Had the Cape in sight till dark. Sent up Royal Mast & Yards and set the sails.
Sunday 17th Jany
Strong breazes and cloudy. Reafed the Topsails at 3 o'clock p.m. All hands busily emploid in working the ship till 6 o'clock.
I had some words with Mr Hennecker 2 Mate who struck me. Mr Leaver and the Capt had some words about the Fore Hatches not being
kept on and ordered the Natives Aft & ordered the Baker to sleep in the Galey; he went aft to the Capt but could get no redress.
Mustered at 4 Bells & Prayers at 5 Bells all sail set.
Monday 18th
Fresh breazes and cloudy weather. Tacked at 6, at ½ past 7 out Reafs. A fine light breze. I was put on an Alouance of
18 gals of Water. Passed a homeward bound Brig on the starboard side of us. Had 2 Bottles of Brandy from Mr Leaver.
Saturday 23rd Jany
Fine Breazes and fine Weather. At 5 p.m. the Pigs got adrift and one of them went overbord.
Monday 25th
First part fresh brezes and Cloudy Weather. At 1 p.m. the Gib was lowered being a Calm. Lat 36-20 South Long 33-34 E.
Distance from St Pauls 2119 & Grant returned to his duty.
Tuesday Jany 26th
Fresh breazes and cloudy with slight showers of rain. At 9 p.m. Roused to reaf topsail but did not go. At 10 caled to put the
Tarpolin over the Cow and got wet through.
Wedensday Jany 27
At 5 a.m. rather Cloudy, at 7 came on to rain with a strong breze and a heavy swell. At 4 p.m. had my Grog stoped by the Capt
for throwing a bucket of water through the port.
Thursday 28th
Fine Breaze and pleasent weather. At 8 a.m. the Mate and MacAllister had some words about the Provisions. The Mate told him
that we should have everything that was alowed us and Mac told him that he would have it if he hove it overboard when the Mate
flew in a passion and a quarrel ensued.
Saturday 6th Feby
Strong breazes and cloudy. Blow fresh from the SSW in first reef of the Topsails & top Galent sails at 8 a.m. set the top
Galent sails. Long 63-31 E. I was struck a violent blow by the foot of the mainsail which forced me with great violence from
the top of the Long Boat on the Deck but I soon recovered in the Evening I went to get Bled but was so weak that I could not
stand it.
Sunday 7th
Fresh Breazes and Cloudy Weather. At 1 set the Royals at 7 a.m. out reafs and set all sail by the wind at 8 a.m. Tacked ship
to the southed. Muster at 4 Bells Prayers at 5. Lat at noon 37-20 south Long at noon 65-20. Dist to the Isle of France
1190 miles Corce to St Pauls S 88-52 dist 599, corce to Pint de Gale N 17-4 Dist 2818 miles.
Monday 8th Feby
Fresh Breazes and Clear Weather. Long at noon 67-57 East. Stearing E½S Wind North. Topmast and top galent stud. sails.
Friday 12
Fresh breazes and cloudy weather. Long by cronom. 80-34. I lost 2 pr trowsers overbord and a new lashing.
Saturday 13
Weather as yesterday. No observation. Davis fell down the fore Hold but was not much hurt.
Sunday Feby 14th
Strong Breazes and clear weather. Lat at noon 35-37 South. Long 82-41 E. Muster at 4 Bells this being Valentine's Day the
Passengers sent letters by Judy to one another.
Monday 15th
Strong breazes and fine weather. Laying from E by S to E by N. Wind NNE. I made the Carp Bed.
Tuesday 16th
Strong breazes and fine weather. Long 84-56 E Stearing North by East. Dist to Pint de Galle 2504 miles.
Wedensday 17
Light airs and fine weather. carrying Skysails and Royal Studing sails. Lat at noon 32-56. Long 83-35 East. Stearing N by E.
Wind ESE. John Mack was struck with the sun and fell senseless but soon recovered. Had some words with the Baker.
Thursday Feby 18th
A Calm and fine weather. The boat lowered Mr Leaver and some Passengers rowed round the ship for pleasure. Hands emploid
bending a new anchor.
Friday 19th
Light airs and fine weather. I killed the last of the English Pigs, at noon the Boat was lowered and some of the
Passengers went in it for pleasure.
Saturday 20th
Light Airs and inclining to calm. At 6 a.m. strong breazes and cloudy, in Skysails and set top Galent & fore top mast
studing sails at noon in Royals & top Galent studding sail, Stearing N½E Wind variable.
Sunday 21
Strong breazes and dark cloudy weather with rain; at 6 p.m. in first reaf of the topsails, at 8 in top Galent sails at 11 p.m.
Carried away the standing Gib boom at 11.30 away went the fore top Galent mast & Royal Mast 2 reafs in the topsails & furled the
Mizen Topsail and lowered the topsails down on the caps. Blowing very hard from E to SE. Keeping the ship before it down Main
& Mizen Royal Yards & housed the Mast at daylight in jibbooms and down yards and Masts out one reaf of the Topsails and set Main
top Galent Sail. Lat at Noon 28-2 Long 83-13. Distance from Pint de Galle 2046 miles this being the worst weather we have had
since our departure from England being a very heavy sea on the strongest cleated things went a drift at times the ship was on
her beam ends at 8 p.m. Reafed the main Topsail.
Monday Feby 22nd
Rather more moderate at 6 a.m. Out all reafs and set fore topmast sails top Galent studding sails Wind west Stearing N½E.
This day I expearienced a very hard days work putting everything in its place that went adrift from the bad weather yesterday.
Wedensday 24
Light Airs and pleasent weather at 3h 30m Got the jibboom out at 6 set the jib & skysails and Studding sails on booth sides.
Today I felt a violant pain in my head and was bled for it at 3 o'clock p.m. Lat at noon 23-44 Long 82-13 East Stearing North.
Thursday February 25th
Light Airs and Clear Weather got the Royal Mast and Flying jib boom out at 8 a.m. set the Royal at 10 set the flying jib and
Skysails, in all studingsails. Laying WNW Wind N Latitude at noon 22-46 South. I felt rather better today than yesterday.
Saturday 27th
Wind East at 4 p.m. Set top mast top galent & Royal studingsails at 9 in Skysails and Royal studding at AM set lower
studdingsails Lat 19-33 Long 80-34 East. Stearing North Wind ESE all sail set Fine pleasent weather.
Monday 1st March
Strong breazes and cloudy weather. Latitude at Noon 12-41 South.
Sunday 7th
Strong breazes and fine Weather. Muster at 4 Bells Prayers at 5. Lat at Noon 3-28 south Long 84 East Corce North 23-18 SW.
Dist 622.8 miles to Pont de Galle. Laying N½N.
Wedensday 10th
Light airs and fine Weather at 29 mins past 8 saw an Eclipse of the Moon it rose Eclipsed and at about 20 mins past 9 it began
to clear of and it was a beautiful sight and cleared of so gradualy and gone that I shall not soon forget. Lat at Noon 0-0-35
Thursday 11th
Light airs and fine Weather. Saw a Lunar Rainbow. Hands emploid Painting Ship. Lat at Noon 25' North.
Sunday 14th
Light airs and squaly with rain. Some times carying all sail, by the wind as during the week mostly from the NW. Muster at 4
Bells & Prayers at 5 Bells. Lat at Noon 1-15 miles Long 86-00 Corce to Pont de Galle N 49-55 West 444 Miles at 2 p.m. Set
Skysails and Royal studdingsails.
Thursday 18th
Light airs and clear weather. Stear(ing) NW by W. Set Topmast Royal Studding sails & Skysails Latitude at Noon 3-00 North.
Sunday 21st
Light airs and pleasent weather. Muster at 4 Bells and Prayers at 5. Alt 84-35. All possible sail set. A schooner in sight a
head everyone anxiously looking out for the land.
Monday 22nd
Fresh breazes and cloudy, in Skysails and Royal Studdingsails at 7.30 p.m. in all studdingsails at 11 in Royals and Flying Gib at
Midnight. Wind shifted to SW at 4, in top Galent sails and Royals. Lat by observation 5-40. At 8 a.m. sent a bo[a]t to the
Schooner she was from Acheen head to the Malabar Cost.
Tuesday 23rd
Fine Breze and pleasent weather. at 8 a.m. the land in sight, at noon Pont de Galle bearing WNW at 4 a.m. abrest of Pont de Galle
a boat sent from the shore to assertain the Ships name at 8 a quantity of boats came of to the ship with all kinds of fruit etc.
at 9 proceded on to Colombo. Calm and pleasent Weather to wards evening.
Thursday 25th
Light Airs and heavy Squals at 8 a.m. Addams Peak bearing ENE the land on the beach was low and fertile but inland we could see
some high mountains espeasily the land round Addams peak which was very high.
Friday March 25th 1830
At Noon Light Airs and squaly at 3 O'clock p.m. saw a quantity of fishing boats and abrest of the Governors House at 3h20m saw
2 ships laying in Colombo Harbour the Seppings and H.M.S. Chalenger at 7 p.m. brought up with the small bower in
9 Fathoms Water abrest of the light house as we lay in the Harbour we had a beautiful view of the Town & land Adjacent.
Saturday 27th
Hands emploid getting Water cask in, different Tradesmen came of with sundry articles such as Gold and precious stones at 3 p.m.
heavy squals with heavy rains at this place we found living very cheap as well as evrything else at 11 a.m. fired salute for
Mr Cameron who we left here which was answered from the shore. At 6 p.m. began to heave up and at 9 set all sail.
Stearing W by N Wind SSW.
Sunday 28th
Fine breaze and cloudy Weather, Mustered at 4 Bells & Prayers at 5 at Noon light breaze and fine weather.
Monday 29th
Strong breazes and cloudy weather. Laying NW by W Wind SW by W.
Tuesday 30th
Strong breazes and cloudy weather. at 6 a.m. made Cape Commoron bear(ing) SW dist 20 miles Lat 8-20 North.
Wedensday 31st
Fresh Gailes and Cloudy Weat[her] single reafed the Topsails in top Galent sail down Royal Yards and housed the Royal Mast.
Thursday April 1st 1830
Rather more moderate at 6 a.m. up Royal masts and Yards and set the sails out reafs and set Skysails & Royal Studdingsails.
Friday 2nd
Light Airs and fine weather all sail set of Point Pedro. Tacking Ship.
Saturday 3rd
Fresh Breazes and cloudy weather. Keeping very close to the shore.
Sunday 4th
Light airs and pleasent weather. Land breaze towards the Evening. Tacking ship at 9 p.m. a boat came of with baskets fish etc.
Monday 5
Fine breaze and pleasent weather. Had a fine run into Quilon and brought up at 4 p.m. in 7 fathoms of Water at 6 heavy
squals with strong Lightning and Rains.
Flag Staff bearing NW½W.
Tuesday 6th
Light airs and pleasent weather. Hands emploid in setting up the fore stays & topmast Riging fore and aft and top
Galent ditto.
Wedensday 7th
Light breaze and clouday at 4 hove up, and made all sail at 5 a.m. At 11 let go the Kedge and repeated it when calm
on account of the current.
Sunday 11th
Light breazes and clouday at 4 Daylight Mount Dilley bearing NE. Altitude 86-00 PM St Marys Rocks lying in Lat from
13-17 to 13-28 North Long 74-55
Monday April 12th
Light breazes and clouday weather. All sail set.
Tuesday 13th
Fine breaze and pleasent weather at 12 had Mangalore in sight and brought up at 6 p.m. This place seemed less fertile
than any other place I have seen though it is a prety place being sittuated at the foot of a hill and beneath the
shadow of the Coconut Trees at the back of the Town a little higher up the hill is the Barracks and Flagstaf which
had a prety prospect from the Harbour.
Wedensday 14th
Light airs and clouday took in water and stock at 18 p.m. hove up and made all sail Tacking ship occasionally.
Thursday April 15th
Light breazes. Laying N½E at Noon Abrest of Mangalore tacking of and out Lat at Noon 13-4 North.
Friday 16th
Light airs and clouday at 6 a.m. Perrira Rocks E by S½S dist 2 Miles at 8 a.m. tacked ship laying WSW at Noon
Tacked ship.
Sunday 18th
Light breaze and clouday weather. Muster at 4 Bells. Latitude at Noon 13-29 North having only made 39 miles in 5 days.
Thursday 22nd
Light airs and fine weather at 6 p.m. Vingarla Rocks lying in Lat 15-51 and Long 73-30 bore E by S½S dist 4 miles
at 6 a.m. exchanged signals with the Fort William from Bombay to China.
Sunday 25th
Fresh breeze and clear weather. Abrest of Bancoote. Lying in Lat 17-56 Longitude 73-7'54".
Monday 26th
Fine breeze and pleasent weather. At daylight abrest of Chaoul, lying in Lat 18-32'30" at 5 saw Henry & Kennery Isles
at 9 a.m. abrest of it, at noon Bombay lighthouse dist 4 miles. Got the Pilot on bord about 2 p.m. lough up with with
the small bower and unbent all Sails and running rigging. Passengers and Capt went on shore.
Wedensday April 27th
At 5 all hands. At 8 the Boswain was ordred to pipe to Breakfast the Men said it was no use to pipe to Breakfast for it
was not ready and wen it was, there was nothing to eat. Mr Leaver said he would give them a little longer for it.
At 9 all hands was caled, the Men said that they had not got any Tea and they could not work on nothing they said they had
only ½ allowance of Bread for 4 or 5 weeks and now they was come into Harbour they were allowed no Tea and their allowance
of Sugar had been 40lb for 11 men for 90 days but says Mr Leaver are you going to your duties or not. The Men said no untill
the Capt would give them something to live on. Mr L. said that he would write on shore to the Capt and tell him that they had
refused their duties but they said that they had not, but he said he would see about that.
At 11 a.m. the Capt came on bord All hands to muster the Capt said men you have all refused your duties I shall take a protest against your Clothes and Wages and every thing belonging to you. The men said that they had not refused their duties, they only wanted something to eat on, the same allowance as other ships in the Harbour and then they would work like men; then Capt said he did not allow Tea in Harbour and he should not give it, they said that they had but 2 glasses of arrack per day. The Capt said it was a plenty and they should have no more, he then ordered the Carpenter to batten all the Hatches down. The men asked were they was to live, he told them on the booms; they asked him if he would give them any thing to eat, he said they should have nothing to eat or drink from the Ship they then asked him if they might go on shore he told them that they might go to hell if they liked - he then went on shore. at Noon MacAllister jumped into a Dingey and went on shore. At 1 O'clock another dingey came along side and 12 men got into it and went on shore. Names of the Men that went on shore:

MacAllister |
} |
P Morrison |
} |
J Nicholas |
} |
J Mack |
} Went on bord the |
P Johnston |
} Companies Cruisers |
W Johnston |
} |
C Jones |
} |
W Stapleton |
} |
B Perry |
went to Eng in the Bencoolen |
J Digby |
" to Calcutta in BL Sharlon |
T Thompston J Thompston |
- stoped on shore |
J Davis |
} |
J Hamilton |
} went on bord his M. |
C Grant |
} Ship Challenger |
J Brown |
} |
Thursday April 28th
No work doing on bord but wash Decks in the Morning. At 3 p.m. Mr Leaver & Doctor came on bord from the Police and all the men, All Hands to Muster Mr Leaver said men are you going to your duties, yes as soon as you allow us tea in the morning, that is not the question Boswain, are you going to your duties, he said he had never refused yet, Sailmaker are you and he answered the same as the Boswain, Davis are you, he said no not without you allow us the same as any other Ship in the Harbour, the Mate said that they should have the same allowance (some of them said that the first that asked them to work they would knock him down) as before. At this time Grant and MacAllister came in at the starbord gangway walked across the deck and went out at the larbord one into another Dingey, with this the rest followed them, saying good buy to the old ship Sesostris, we are his Majestys men.......
Names of those that returned to their duties on bord:
J Lamont |
Boswain, who died on bord |
J Anderson |
Sailmaker left about a week aft |
A Melville |
ABS - afterwards Gunner of --- |
J Digby |
CS left afterwards and went Calcut |
W Gothwite |
CS stoped on bord |
J Smith |
B[utcher]ditto |
D Bane |
C - ditto |
N Bellemy |
OS ditto |
W Martin |
Stew ditto |
G Exton |
CS left us afterwards |
J Brown |
Died on bord |
The Capt told all those that had denied their duties that their Wages for their past Servitude was at his Option weather he
paid them or not but he should pay them as he behaved to him in future. During the time I was in Bombay which
was 9 weeks I spent time very comfortable. I was several times on shore and once to that beautiful place the Isle of
Elephantine which is more than I can describe.
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